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Annual Public Budget Hearing




Regular Meeting

Tuesday, May 28, 2024 6:00 P.M.


Meeting Location:

District Office

8624 Segrue Road

Lamont CA, 93241




1.      Call to Order/Roll Call

2.      Pledge of Allegiance

3.      Board Member Announcements

4.      Public Comment

This portion of the meeting is reserved for the public to address the Board on matters not listed on the agenda.  Public Speakers will have 2 minutes to speak.  The Board may or may not briefly respond, seek clarification, or request the item to be placed on a future agenda.  The Board has no obligation to respond or engage in a debate for items not on the agenda.  You will be given 2 minutes to address the Board of Directors.

5.      Staff Announcements – Information Only

A.    General Manager

     i.      Will Serve Letters

                    1. None

    ii.      Well 20 Update

                      1. Board informed Well 20 should be online within 2-3 weeks



B.     District Counsel

     i. Counsel provided update on SGMA plans being prepared for DWR. Counsel also provided brief synopsis of Fuller Acres consolidation process-moving slowly.

6.      Consent Agenda

     a.  Director Sanchez motioned for approval of consent calender as presented.  Seconded by Director             

           Gonzalez Approved 5-0


7.      Regular Agenda


A.    Adopted of Resolution 2024-3 Adopting Budget for FY 24-25

         i.    General Manager provided information regarding  the revised draft budget and requested Board

                 Adoption of  FY 24-25 budget as presented.

                       1. Board reviewed and verified requested changes, explanation and information.

                        2. Director Gonzalez motioned for adoption of the FY 24-25 budget as presented. Seconded by Vice-                             President  Alonso. Resolution adopted 5-0 by roll call vote.

B.   Adoption of Resolution 2024-4 Authorizing Genwral Manager to Apply for State Water Board  Incentive                  Grant.

            i.     General Manager provided information regarding the opportunity to apply for an incentive grant with                          State Water Board. Grant application requires Board approval via Resolution.

                              1. Board made inquiries as to the process ans amount of possible grant.  Information provided


                                2.  Director Cruz motioned for adoption of Resolution 2024-4 authorizating General Manager

                                      to submit application and execute all documents necessary for grant award. Seconded by Vice                                           President Alonso. Resolution adopted 5-0 by roll call vote.