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The District currently operates seven potable water wells in various locations throughout the service area.  These wells have a combined production of approximately 5 million gallons per day (MGD).  To provide peak-time capacity and pressure, the District has seven well facilities equipped with booster pumps and hydropneumatic tanks.  Three of the wells are equipped with onsite storage tanks with capacities ranging from 125,000 to 450,000 gallons.  Each well also includes a chlorination injection system to provide disinfection. To insure safe drinking water, the District currently has 123-TCP treatment systems at three well sites.  An additional system with be installed in the near future.

The water transmission and distribution system has approximately 200,000 lineal feet of pipe composed primarily of water mains ranging between 6 to 12 inches in diameter. Certain locations within the District are served by 4-inch water mains looped between the larger pipes.  There are also three short segments of 3-inch main, two of which provide increased service to specific sites and the third of which completes a short system loop.

The larger-capacity pipes (8-, 10-, and 12-inch) are concentrated in three primary areas, with smaller pipes connecting the three.  Distribution of wells throughout the District ensures that these smaller pipes do not cause a bottleneck in the system.